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Presian Rug Vs Oriental Rug

Presian Rug Vs Oriental Rug

Presian Rug Vs Oriental Rug

The terms Oriental rug and Persian Rug are frequently used interchangeably, but this is erroneous. Any hand-knotted rug made in Asia falls under the category of Oriental rug. Persian rugs are classified as the sub category under oriental rugs, but they are separated from the main category due to their popularity, the special knot used in their making, and their particular country of origin. The unique nomenclature of Persian Rugs gives them a special place in the broader category of Oriental Rugs. If you are looking for best floor carpet or intend to shop for designer carpets in India you need to understand the difference between the popular two.


Precisely, an oriental rug is any hand-knotted carpet from Asia. These rugs are usually made in Iran, China, India, Russia, Turkey, Pakistan, Nepal and Tibet. Following its emergence as an exporter, China quickly became one of the most important suppliers of oriental rugs. China has a centuries-long tradition of carpet weaving, but its rugs were only recently discovered by the rest of the world. The manufacturing process changed as a result of this discovery, allowing for quicker and cheaper production, allowing Chinese oriental rugs to reach customers all over the world.

Oriental rugs are hand-woven on looms. To produce the ornate patterns, yarn strings are painstakingly knotted into the weave. The symmetrical Turkish (or Ghiordes) Knot is commonly used in Oriental rugs. All true Oriental (and Persian) rugs are hand woven and knotted, despite the fact that modern technology has largely mechanized the method of producing and dying the yarn. The uniqueness and rarity of these rugs stems from their meticulous attention to detail, as each rug is one-of-a-kind and requires several hours of labor. Wool is mostly used in Oriental rugs, although other fabrics such as silk and bamboo are sometimes used as well. Many oriental rugs feature symbols and designs that represent the cultures in which they were made. Geometric forms, plants, landscapes, and floral patterns are common examples. To produce a three-dimensional effect, many Oriental rugs use contrasting colors and textures. At AzaraHome we house some of the best handmade rugs in India.


A Persian rug is a hand-knotted carpet made in Iran. Persian rugs are usually put in their own group under the umbrella of oriental rugs due to their popularity, unique features, and widespread distribution. Persia is the birthplace of hand weaving, which is still practiced today. These age old techniques are passed down from generation to generation, some of which date back hundreds of years. Some Persian rugs are named after the country, city, or tribe in which they were made. Some cities and regions have long histories of their own distinct styles or techniques.

As a result, Persian rugs seem to reveal a lot about themselves through their design and construction. Persian carpets are the world’s oldest living carpets, dating from about 2400 years ago. Persia has been producing carpets for much longer, according to historical records. Persia produces some of the most complex rug designs. The all-over and central medallion patterns are two of the most common patterns that you can spot on a Persian Carpet. A repeated geometric or floral pattern that runs the length of the rug is known as an all-over pattern. The central medallion pattern is a circular or oval pattern with a geometric outline in the middle. Persian rugs are traditionally woven using the Persian Knot, a special asymmetrical knotting technique, in addition to their specific designs. Persian rugs are coveted for their intricate design, high knot count, and high knot count, with some rugs getting up to 500 knots per square inch. The import of Persian rugs has been prohibited by US trade sanctions against Iran since 1987. This has resulted in a demand for counterfeit Persian rugs, as well as a significant increase in the value of rugs manufactured prior to the sanctions. Persian rugs, like all oriental rugs, are painstakingly handcrafted by professional artisans. Quality Persian rugs are coveted around the world and fetch very high prices, even when compared to oriental rugs from other countries. And when it comes to the cost, we the best in carpets and rugs online at low prices in India.


There are many ways to tell the difference between a genuine and a fake oriental rug. Here are some methods for determining whether or not an oriental rug is authentic. Those looking to buy Oriental rugs online will profit from these as well. To begin, only purchase from reputable vendors who have good feedback and references. Do not purchase Persian rugs from furniture stores or at a discount. If the rug dealer just sells fine rugs, there’s a risk you’ll find replicas in such cases. Pose inquiries. Any reputable vendor or private seller would be familiar with genuine oriental and Persian area rugs. They will be able to tell you where it came from, how it was made, and what brand is it, if any. This is because they recognize the importance of conveying the authenticity of a genuine piece to the consumer.

Look for patterns in the back of the area rug. Hand-knotted Persian and Oriental carpets are passed down through the generations. On the back of the area rug, look for pattern markings. If you can find these, the rug is likely to be authentic.Look over the area rug for small hand knots that were used in the pattern’s production. The oriental or Persian rugs’ back should be soft. The rug is not genuine if it looks like plastic or has a rough surface.

Until purchasing Persian rugs, test the colour of the rug. Colorfast dyes are used exclusively in authentic Persian rugs, ensuring that the various colours used on a Persian rug do not bleed into one another. Place a damp piece of cloth on a particular area and leave it overnight to accomplish this. If the fabric picks up colour, it isn’t a Persian rug.


We don’t charge extra for the term Persian at AzaraHome, as source these carpets directly from the manufacturers. We don’t have to pay a middleman, so you don’t have to pay one either! Despite the fact that the two pieces are made of the same material, employ the same techniques, are the same size, and even have a similar design, the Persian Rug will stand out to be almost 10 times costlier than the same Oriental rug!  So if you want to buy rugs online at affordable price, be it Persian or Oriental, AzaraHome is the best online store in India for you.

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